Shree Siddha Barah Adharbhut Vidyalaya Teacher Requirement

In the present matter, Sri Siddha Barah Basic School Pokhara Metropolitan City Ward No. 24, Kaski, Pokhara Metropolitan City Education Division No. 708 dated 2081/01/06 received permission to advertise for the relief quota post of Nimavi level that is vacant in this school and this school According to the decision of the school management committee dated 2081/01/03, this advertisement has been published to apply for Nepali citizens who are interested to complete the process as per the rules and attach the documents as per the details within 15 days from today.

Advertisement No
: 01/080/081
Post: Nimavi Level Relief Quota
Subject : Mathematics + Science
Number of Posts: 1 (One)
Educational Qualification: IEd or equivalent in related subject
Salary Scale: As per Nepal Government Rules
Age: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years
Last date for submission of application: 25th Baisakh, 2081 upto 4 pm office hours
Application fee: Rs 1500. (literally one thousand five hundred rupees only).
Mode of Examination : Written and interview if required practical examination will be conducted.
Contact Date : 2081 Baisakh 26

Required documents
1) Handwritten application
2) Certificates of educational qualification
3) Copy of teaching permit
4) Copy of Nepali Citizenship Certificate
Note: Computer and ICT related experience must be mandatory. Contact No. 9846859773 (Principal) 9802832320 (Chairman)

Shree Siddha Barah Adharbhut Vidyalaya
Pokhara Metropolitan City 24, Kaski