Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh Announces Vacancy for Various Positions

(Publication Date: Friday, 2081.02.04)

Based on the agreement with the Public Service Commission, applications are invited from qualified Nepali citizens who meet the qualifications specified in the Employee Service, Terms and Conditions Regulations, 2074, to fill the following vacant positions in this Fund through internal and open competitive exams. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered.

(A) For Internal Competition:

Advertisement No: 2/2080-81
Position: Assistant Officer
Level: 6
Service/Group: Administration

(B) For Open Competition:

Advertisement No: 3/2080-81
Position: Deputy Manager
Level: 8
Service/Group: Administration

Advertisement No: 4/2080-81
Position: Officer
Level: 7
Service/Group: Administration

Advertisement No: 5/2080-81
Position: Assistant Officer
Level: 6
Service/Group: Administration

Minimum Educational Qualification and Work Experience Required:

For entry into the service at one level below the advertised position, candidates must have the minimum educational qualification specified and must have completed the minimum service period as specified in the Regulations.


  • Master’s degree in Commerce, Economics, Commercial Law, Public Administration, or Management.
  • At least five years of service in an officer-level position in a bank, financial institution, or institution with more than fifty percent ownership by the Government of Nepal or a university recognized by the Government of Nepal.

Advertisement No: 6/2080-81
Position: Principal Assistant
Level: 5
Service/Group: Administration

Minimum Educational Qualification and Work Experience Required:

  • Bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution.
  • At least three months of computer training.

Open Positions and Examination Fees:

  • Internal: 1 position, Rs. 700 examination fee.
  • Inclusive: 1 position, Rs. 900 examination fee.
  • Open: 1 position, Rs. 800 examination fee.
  • Principal Assistant: 3 positions, Rs. 600 examination fee.
  • Open: 1 position, Rs. 500 examination fee.

For detailed information and to submit applications, visit the Fund’s website at and follow the instructions for the Online Application Form. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered.