Lumbini Integrated Development Organization (LIDO-NEPAL) for Invitation for Sealed Bids
Location: Taulihawa, Kpilvastu.
“Empowerment of Low-Income and Crisis-Prone Communities” and “Livelihood Enhancement for Crisis-Prone Farmers” Project
Invitation for Sealed Bids
First Publication Date: 2081.01.16
Lumbini Integrated Development Organization (LIDO-NEPAL), in partnership with Islamic Relief Nepal, invites sealed bids for the supply of agricultural materials (rice seeds and others) and goat support to farmers in Rupandehi District’s Lumbini Cultural Municipality and Sammarimai Rural Municipality, as well as in Maya Devi and Shuddhodhan Rural Municipalities of Kapilvastu District. Interested eligible bidders/companies are invited to submit their bids and proposals under the terms and conditions detailed in the bidding document.
The received bids, along with relevant technical and financial proposals, will be evaluated periodically, and upon proper verification and printing, sealed bids will be accepted until 2078.01.27 at Lumbini Integrated Development Organization (LIDO-NEPAL), Taulihawa, Kapilvastu, by 5:00 PM.
On 2078.01.28, at 11:00 AM, the technical proposals will be opened, and successful bidders will be invited to open their financial proposals. The final day for submitting bids will be announced publicly, and bids should be submitted to the procurement office within the specified time. Technical and financial proposals can be obtained from the organization’s office in Taulihawa, Kapilvastu, or via email at [email protected].
- Suppliers quoting prices higher than the maximum retail price will be automatically disqualified.
- The bidding form should clearly specify the periodic demand for agricultural materials (seeds) and goat supply.
- The bidder must provide all legal documents along with the proposal. Failure to submit any required documents will result in disqualification.
- A bank guarantee equivalent to 2.5% of the quoted amount must be submitted in the form of a bank guarantee letter or deposited in the mentioned account.
Bank Name: Laxmi Sunrise Bank Ltd.
Account Name: Lumbini Integrated Development Organization
Account Number: 02211011844
- A pre-bid meeting will be conducted on 2081 Baishakh 21 (Friday) at 2:00 PM, either physically or online, for further information on rates. Presence at this meeting, either physically or online, is recommended for both suppliers and bidders.
Lumbini Integrated Development Organization (LIDO-NEPAL)
Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: 076-561145