TSC Primary Teacher Written Exam Results Koshi Pradesh

Teacher Service Commission (TSC) Primary Teacher Written Exam Results and Interview Schedule for Solukhumbu, Okhaldhunga, Khotang, Sunsari, Udaipur – Koshi Province

The Teacher Service Commission has announced the results of the written test for the open competitive exam to fill vacant positions for primary-level teachers, lower secondary teachers, and secondary-level teachers. Based on the decisions of the Commission dated 2080/02/06, the interview schedule for selected candidates has been finalized. Details regarding the venue, date, and time for interviews are provided below

Interview Schedule:

S.NDistrictLocationSerial Number of the resultDateTime
1SolukhumbuEducation Delelopment and coordinat unit udaipur1-70
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
2OkhaldhungaEducation Delelopment and coordinat unit udaipur1-135
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
3KhotangEducation Delelopment and coordinat unit udaipur1-60
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
4SunsariEducation Delelopment and coordinat unit DhankutaAll Candidates2081/10/288:00 AM
5UdaipurEducation Delelopment and coordinat unit Sunsari1-60
8:00 AM
1:00 PM

Documents and Information Candidates Must Bring for the Interview:

  1. Required Documents
    Candidates must submit the following original documents along with one self-attested copy of each in a file:
    • Citizenship Certificate
    • Admit Card
    • Permanent Teaching License
    • Educational Certificates:
    • Minimum required qualification for the subject and level applied for.
    • Transcript and character certificate of any higher-level qualification in the related subject.
    • Equivalency Certificate (if the degree was obtained from a foreign institution).
    • Recent Passport-Sized Photo (1 copy).
    • Temporary Appointment Letter (if working in a teaching position).
    • Training Certificate (related to education).
  2. Service Certification
    Candidates who have continuously worked in a temporary or relief grant-funded teaching position must submit an original service certification letter verified by:
    • Head of the Education Development and Coordination Unit.
    • Or, Head of the Education Department of the concerned local government.
  3. Submission Process
    Candidates must submit the original and attested copies of all required documents along with a completed personal details form (available from the commission or its website). All documents must be properly registered before submission.
  4. Mandatory Documents
    Candidates without the required original documents will not be allowed to participate in the interview.
  5. Misconduct
    If any candidate is found attempting to influence the selection process (through phone calls, persuasion, or offering personal incentives), their application may be canceled.
  6. Interview Schedule
    The interview schedule will not be changed or postponed unless otherwise announced by the commission.
  7. Disqualification
    Candidates who fail to meet the minimum required qualifications or provide incomplete documents may have their application canceled at any stage as per rule 26(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Regulations, 2057.
  8. Corrections in Results
    Any errors in published results will be verified and corrected based on the commission’s official records.For additional information, visit the commission’s website: www.tsc.gov.np.

Re-Evaluation of Written Exam Results:

Candidates who are dissatisfied with their written exam results can request a re-evaluation by submitting an application to the commission’s office in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.


  • Deadline: By the end of office hours on 2081/10/16.
  • Fee: NPR 250 per subject.
  • Payment Details:
    • Bank: Rastriya Banijya Bank
    • Account Number: 10002000100000
    • Office Code: 350213303
    • Office Name: Teachers Service Commission
    • Revenue Code: 14224

Submit the application along with a copy of the admit card.

TSC Primary Teacher Written Exam Results Koshi Pradesh 2081

TSC Primary Teacher Written Exam Results Koshi Pradesh 2081

TSC Primary Level Teacher Written Exam Result Madhesh Pradesh