CTEVT Job Vacancy For Assistant Officer Level

CTEVT Job Vacancy For Assistant Officer Level:

CTEVT Madhesh Pradesh

Technical Education and Vocational Training Council of Madhesh Province until further decision until the end of the year 2081 Ashadh Mansat, as per the technical/training individual contract for the positions as per the list, the eligible Nepali citizens can apply within 15 (fifteen) days (2080.09) from the date of publication of this notice. 06) within office hours, the certificate of your educational qualification, the certificate of Nepali citizenship and the registration of your profession and business council (if arranged by the government of Nepal). This notification has been published for the information of all concerned to apply in person at gmail.com or at the provincial office. Also, if you have sent the application form and related documents via e-mail, please contact mobile number 9854021182 to confirm. Detailed details (post, number, minimum educational qualification, syllabus, examination system, office to work, exam fee, salary allowance and other facilities etc.) See website of Parishad Madhesh Province Office: www.ctevtp2.org.np and website of Council: www.ctevt.org.np Request to be.

  1. Age limit:
  • Completion of 21 years and not exceeding 35 years for Officer level, III category posts
  • Completed 18 years and not exceeding 35 years for Assistant Level I and II
  • But not exceeding 40 years in case of women and disabled candidates
  • Age means the age on the last date of application for a post.
  1. In the case of educational qualifications where equivalence has to be determined, a copy of the equivalence determination must be submitted by self-certification. Equivalence not submitted with the application will not be accepted.
  2. Candidates applying for technical positions under technical and training services must be registered with professional organizations such as Nepal Medical Council, Nepal Nursing Council, Nepal Engineering Council, etc. to work in the profession, they must submit a copy of the certificate registered with the relevant professional organizations or a copy of the document that is in the process of registration with the council. It has to be done.
  3. Salary allowances and facilities: The staff of the council will be in accordance with the service conditions and facilities regulations, 2069, (with amendments).
  4. Place of work: In the educational schools designated by the Parishad Madhesh Province office
  5. Not filing the examination application within the deadline mentioned in the notification, not having met the minimum qualification or others specified
    Incomplete or incomplete application will not be accepted. Even if such a form is registered, it will be canceled at any time.
  6. The syllabus can be downloaded from CAREER by logging on to the Council’s website www.ctevt.org.np.
  7. Application Form: Parishad Madhesh State Office at National Commercial Bank, Pidari Chowk, Janakpurdham Current Account No 1520100002639001 should submit the examination fee according to the category mentioned below and attach the gross voucher by scanning it. Also, the name and surname of the applicant must be mentioned while depositing the amount.
    For authorized level III category Rs. 1000/00
    For Assistant Level First Grade Rs. 400.00
    Rs.300.00 for Assistant Level II
  8. Type of examination and weighting: In the service-related objective multiple-choice written examination, the number of papers will be 50 and each question will be weighted 2. Total marks will be 100 and passing marks will be 40. In the case of Information Technology Assistant Instructor / Information Technology Assistant, there will also be a practical test. Only those candidates who have passed the written test will be included in the interview and practical test.
  9. Technical Education and Vocational Training Council Staff Service Conditions and Facilities Regulations 2069 for matters not mentioned in this notification. including the sixth amendment) and shall be in accordance with the prevailing laws of Nepal.
  10. The written examination for the same positions as mentioned above will be conducted on the same day and at the same time at the examination center designated by the Parishad Madhesh Province Office. A candidate can fill the form for one school only.
  11. The form can be downloaded from www.ctevtp2.org.np or can be obtained from the Parishad Madhesh Pradesh office.
  12. Place of submission of application form: Parishad Madhesh Pradesh Office, Janakpur-4, Fish Bazar, Basahia Road, Dhanusha.
  13. Exam Date: It will be published later on the website of Parishad Madhesh Province Office.
  14. For more information, you can contact 9854021182 or 9854060636.
    Subcommittee on Selection of Persons on Service Contracts