TU Results published Bachelor Level BA BSC BED Check Result

It appears that you are providing information about Tribhuvan University (TU) exam results for various faculties and years. To check your result, you can follow the instructions provided. Here’s a summary of how to check TU results:

  1. Visit the official website of Tribhuvan University, which is likely to be mentioned in the “Click Here To View Full Results of TU” link.
  2. Find the relevant result link for your specific program, faculty, and year.
  3. Alternatively, if you are in Nepal, you can dial 1602 on Nepal Telecom to get your result.
  4. You can also check your result by sending an SMS to 33624. In the SMS, type your Faculty Name followed by a space and then your Roll Number.

For example, if you are checking the result for a Bachelor’s program, you might type: “Bachelor RollNumber” and send it to 33624.

Here To View Full Results of TU >www.tuexam.edu.np