TSC Primary Level Teacher Written Exam Result Bagmati

TSC Primary Level (Prabi) Teacher Written Exam Results and Interview Information for Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli, Sindhupalchok, Rasuwa, and Kavrepalanchok Districts

The Teacher Service Commission (TSC), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published the results of the Primary Level, Third Category Open Competitive Examination (General and Subject-wise). The results were finalized on 2081/10/07. The candidates listed below have passed the written exam and are selected for interviews.

Interview Location, Date, and Time:

Serial No.DistrictLocationAssigned Serial No.DateTime
1RamechhapEducation Development and Coordination Unit, Kathmandu712081/10/298:00 AM
2KavrepalanchokEducation Development and Coordination Unit, Kathmandu1202081/10/291:00 PM
3DolakhaEducation Development and Coordination Unit, KathmanduAll candidates2081/10/288:00 AM
4RasuwaEducation Development and Coordination Unit, LalitpurAll candidates2081/10/298:00 AM
5SindhupalchokEducation Development and Coordination Unit, Lalitpur602081/10/288:00 AM
6SindhuliEducation Development and Coordination Unit, Makwanpur602081/10/288:00 AM
7SindhuliEducation Development and Coordination Unit, Makwanpur832081/10/281:00 PM

The documents and other information candidates need to bring for the interview are as follows:

  1. Candidates must submit the original documents and a copy of each document, certified by themselves, along with a file:
  • Nepali citizenship certificate
  • Admit card
  • Permanent teaching permit
  • The required minimum educational qualification for the relevant subject and level, and if there is a higher qualification, the transcript and character certificate
  • If the degree is from a foreign institution, a certificate of equivalency
  • A recent passport-size photo
  • If currently working as a teacher, the temporary appointment letter for the relevant level
  • Certificate of education-related training
  1. If the candidate has worked as a teacher under the temporary or relief grant quota in the relevant level, they must submit a service certificate certified by the head of the education development unit or the head of the local education branch.
  2. Candidates must bring copies of all original certificates, including the certified service verification document and the personal details form provided by the commission or available on the commission’s website. These documents should be registered and presented during the interview.
  3. Candidates who fail to bring the required original documents will not be allowed to participate in the interview.
  4. If a candidate is found attempting to influence the interview process by making calls or offering personal inducements with the intent of succeeding, the commission may cancel their exam results.
  5. The scheduled interview program will not be changed or postponed without prior notice from the commission.
  6. If the candidate fails to meet the required minimum qualifications, subject, full marks, or fails to provide necessary document proofs, their application may be canceled at any time under Rule 26(1) of the Teacher Service Commission Regulation, 2057.
  7. In case of any discrepancies found in the result publication, corrections will be made by comparing with the records held by the commission. Further information can be obtained from the commission’s website: www.tsc.gov.np.

Re-evaluation Request for Written Exam Results:

Candidates who are dissatisfied with the written exam results and wish to request a re-evaluation must submit an application by 2081/10/13 within office hours to the Commission’s office at Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur. The following steps must be followed:

  • Pay NPR 250 as the revenue fee via National Commercial Bank in the account number: 100002000100000, office code: 350213303.
  • The fee should be deposited under the office name: Teacher Service Commission and revenue title number: 14224.
  • Submit the application along with a copy of the admit card.

TSC Primary Level Teacher Written Exam Result Bagmati Pradesh

TSC Primary Level Teacher Written Exam Result Bagmati Pradesh
TSC Primary Level Teacher Written Exam Result Bagmati Pradesh

TSC प्राथमिक तह (प्राबी) शिक्षक लिखित परीक्षा परिणाम र अन्तर्वार्ता सूचना: दोलखा, रामेछाप, सिन्धुली, सिन्धुपाल्चोक, रसुवा र काभ्रेपलाञ्चोक जिल्लाका लागि