Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog 4th Level Khapsate Written Exam Result:
It appears that the Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog has released the written exam result for the 4th Level KhaPaSaTe (Water Sanitation Technician) position under the Local Government Service. The following information is provided in the announcement:
- Examination and Result Summary:
- Advertisement Number: 52028/2079-80
- Sector: Engineering Service, Civil Group, Sanitary Sub-Group
- Position: Water Sanitation Technician
- Level: Assistant Level IV
- Date of Written Examination: 2080/03/12
- Interview Process:
- Interview Venue: Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Pradesh, Butwal.
- Interview Schedule:
- Date: 2080/12/01
- Time: 11:00 am for serial numbers 1-3
- Document Submission: Candidates need to submit two copies of passport-size photographs, all necessary qualification certificates, and copies of the first and third pages of the application form (including the online application).
- Certification of Documents: Candidates must have their documents certified by the commission one day before the interview.
- Important Reminder: Non-submission of required documents may lead to the cancellation of the application.
- Arrival Time for Interview: Candidates should be present at the commission two hours before the interview time with all necessary documents and the admit card.
- Special Notes:
- Continuation on Public Holidays: The interview process will proceed as scheduled even if the day falls on a public holiday.
- Cancellation Notice: As per notice no. 361-2080/081, dated 2080/09/25, certain candidates’ results have been canceled due to non-compliance with the exam requirements.
It is important for candidates to follow the provided instructions and ensure they meet all the requirements for the interview process. Non-compliance may lead to the cancellation of the application. Additionally, candidates should be aware of the specified interview schedule and arrive on time with all necessary documents.