Lumbini Integrated Development Organization Job Vacancy for Social Mobilizers

Lumbini Integrated Development Organization-LIDO

Taulihawa, Kapilvastu

Lumbini Province

Vacancy Notice for the Promoting Resilience of Poor and Vulnerable Communities

Partnership: Islamic Relief Nepal

26th January 2024


Lumbini Integrated Development Organization (LIDO-Nepal) is a leading non-governmental development and humanitarian organization of Lumbini Province of Nepal. Since the establishment on 2053, LIDO-Nepal has serving the poor, vulnerable families to improve status in Livelihood, WASH, Suspension bridge, Education & child & reproductive health including the nutrition. LIDO is a nonprofit-making, social, developmental organization, founded to work for development in and around Kapilvastu district. 

LIDO Nepal has invited the eligible Young, energetic, change-seeking and enthusiastic youth to submit their application who are interested to work together to build as one team to achieving mailestone of of the organization for the social transformation with the slogan “Parallel Development” Since It establishment. 

LIDO Nepal is implementing the project in four Municipalities of Rupandehi and Kaplivastu districts with the aim for improving wellbeing, food security, WASH, and resilience among poor and vulnerable households affected by climate change. The project would directly benefit 52,327 people in the project site area, with indirect benefits reaching 43,606 people in the project districts.

Project Name: Promoting Resilience of Poor and Vulnerable Communities 

Project District: Kapilvastu and Rupandehi of the Lumbini Province

LIDO Nepal hereby invites applications, for the below mentioned position 

Social Mobilizers – 3  (Palikas base position in Rupandehi District)

Job Title: Community Mobilizer

Reports to: Project Officer (DRR/CCA-WASH-Enterprises)

Work station: Working Palikas of Rupandehi District

Position Description

Under the overall guidance of the Project officer-DRR/CCA-WASH-Enterprises, the Community mobilizershall facilitate and support the implementation of DRR/CCA & WASH related activities under the Promoting Resilience of Poor and Vulnerable Communities project in the communities. S/he spends most of his/her time in the Community, identifying target communities, establishing relationships with community leaders and taking part in field-level implementation activities.

Major responsibilities

  • Lead the community mobilization process, implement a participatory community targeting approach for the identification and registration of project beneficiaries
  • Assist in Community Meetings, Mass awareness, user communities and school related to WASH, DRR/CCA activities.
  • Maintain links with community health volunteers, community leader teachers, and religious leaders to ensure close coordination to well carry out hygiene promotion activities among target groups.
  • Community mobilization for installation of the hand pump and sanitation facilities construction in school and community
  • Support to conduct feasibility surveys, collect water samples and carry out water quality analysis.
  • Conduct regular monitoring & properly ensure quality against estimate and design of construction-related works of WASH facilities.
  • Provide regular updates to supervisor and team on progress, priorities and constraints verbally and in writing.
  • Assist in data collection during Knowledge, Attitude and Practice surveys when necessary.
  • Maintain good relationships with the beneficiaries.
  • Work as liaison focal point of their respective palikas and participate on behalf of organization in the palikas level meetings
  • Additional duties and responsibilities as requested by the Line manager

Child and adult safeguarding

  • Highly accept to safeguarding policy
  • Implement the project activities in line with child protection and safeguarding policies at the community level
  • Assist MEAL officer to ensure that child protection and safeguarding cases in the targeted project area is reported, referred, and followed up

Qualification, Knowledge and skill:

  • Intermediate degree with proven Knowledge of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program
  • Have excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills
  • proven ability in community mobilization,
  • Good written and spoken Nepali and Local languages with negotiation skills
  • Residents from the project area will be given more preference

Contract duration: Up to 31st Nov. 2024 ( Highly possible to extension subject to availability of funding and performance).

LIDO Nepal has strictly follow the zero tolerance against safeguarding and PSEAH women, children and vulnerable people, rightsholders and all services providers (Contractor, Consultants) must be accountable on the organization values and norms.

Application procedures: 

Interested candidate who meet the above-mentioned requirement can submit – (a) Updated CV (b) Cover letter c) highest academic certificated and expectation of benefits (Payroll monthly in gross) and work experience at [email protected].  The last date of submission will be no later than 5:00 PM, 1st February 2024.

LIDO Nepal shall not entertain any phone inquiries or other such solicitations for this position. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the selection process. LIDO Nepal promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (Women, Dalit, Janjati, Muslim, Madhesi/Terai, Tharu and other minority communities). LIDO Nepal reserves all the right for the selection or rejection of the candidacy of staffs as per the HR policy.