Notice No.: 393/2080-081
Publication date: 2080/10/26
Notice regarding the number of posts to be filled up by promotion
For the filling up of vacant posts in various local levels of Lumbini Province, as per the demand from the local levels of Lumbini Province, among the assistant level fifth level (technical) posts of various service groups under the local government service, the posts that have been fixed for promotion by determining the percentage according to the decision of this Commission, Commission website are kept safe. This information has been published for the information of all those concerned about the recruitment of promotion positions after the local level service related law has been made.
Notification regarding recruitment through open and inclusive competitive examination
Notice No.: 394/2080-081
Publication date: 2080/10/26
According to the decision of the Provincial Lok Sewa Aayog, Lumbini Province, the vacant posts at the assistant level fifth level (technical) under the local level have to be filled through an open and inclusive competitive examination. Candidates who meet the specified minimum qualifications should apply (Online) through the Commission’s electronic application system